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topography - study of the shapes and features of the earth's surface

elevation - height above sea level

bench mark - a point that has been accurately measured for its position and elevation

contour line - connects places on a map that are all at the same elevation

contour line interval - the difference in elevation between neighboring contour lines

Background: Historically, the development of highly accurate, detailed topographic maps has largely been driven by military requirements.  A unique characteristic that distinguishes topographical maps from other kinds of maps is the fact that they show the topography or shape of the land in addition to other features such as roads, rivers, lakes, etc.  Because topographical maps show the shape of the land, they are the most suitable type of map for most outdoor activities that take place in areas that are not heavily populated.  Hence, in order to study landscape features, we use a topographic map.  The key to using topographic maps is understanding contour lines.  Each contour line connects places that have the same elevation or height.  In order to understand completely the usage of topography, you need to be familiar with compass directions and map reading.

Directions:  Using the diagram below, answer the questions that follow.


1. What is the contour interval of this map? __________

2. What is the highest elevation? __________  Lowest elevation? __________

3. Measure the distance, in centimeters, from Point A to Point B. __________

4. Convert this distance into miles using the scale provided below the map: __________

5. Repeat numbers 3 and 4 for Point C to Point D.

          cm distance: __________     miles: __________

6. Determine the elevation at Point C: __________ and Point D: __________ Difference (D-C): __________

7. Calculate the elevation gradient between Point C and Point D: __________

     * gradient = difference in field values ÷ distance between points

8. Draw a profile that describes the elevation across line A-B.


9. Draw a profile that describes the elevation across line C-D.


Remember that when writing up your lab report, you must follow the proper format.

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